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Programme Overview 

0830-0910 Registration (Y304)


0915-0930 Opening & Announcements (Y304)


0940-1135 Morning Parallel Sessions  (4/F, Core Y)

1135-1155 Coffee Break (3/F, Core Y)


1200-1255 Keynote 1: Prof. Jane Jackson (Y304)


1255-1415 Lunch (3/F, Core Y)


1420-1515 Special Session on Kongish (Y304)


1520-1645 Afternoon Parallel Sessions (4/F, Core Y)


1645-1705 Coffee Break (3/F, Core Y)


1710-1805 Keynote 2: Prof. John Flowerdew (Y304)


1805-1815 Closing Remarks (Y304)




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